Pure Vegetarian Restaurant

For Takeaway &
Home Delivery
0722 999 995










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Privacy Policy

About this policy

CHOWPATY RESTAURANTS LIMITED is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible way. This policy outlines how we aim to achieve this and includes the informationcollected when:

  • ? You use our website (https://www.chowpatyrestaurants.com/).
  • ? You make a booking on our website.
  • ? You make enquiries on our website.
  • ? Someone is interested in working with us.

Definition of Personal Data

Personal Data means any data that relates to an identifiable person who can be directly/indirectly identified from that data. In this case, it means personal data that you give to us via our site. By providing your personal data, you agree that we can use your personal data in accordance with this policy. Ensure you understand this policy in its entirety and take your time to read it.

Who are we?

CHOWPATY RESTAURANTS LIMITED is a restaurant/venue based in Kenya Our registered address is: CHOWPATY RESTAURANTS LIMITED, P.O. Box 38652- 00623, Nairobi, Kenya How do we collect information from you? We collect information from you:

  • ? When you make a booking.
  • ? When you visit a restaurant (preferences, allergies etc.).
  • ? Make an enquiry.
  • ? When you sign up to marketing emails.

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